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who am i? and why do I have a blog.

I'm Beth, from northwest England. I've always loved music and grew up listening to the likes of the Cure, the Jam, The Stone Roses, Oasis, Pulp (thanks Mum & Dad). I've always liked reading other's opinions on certain topics in the music industry, especially those who aren't afraid to voice their opinions. I'm studying music marketing, media and communications at BIMM university, at 25 I am older than most people there, but it's never too late to do what you want to do, I spent years going from wanting to be a nurse, wanting to be a fashion designer, I even wanted to be a CID officer at one point, but music journalism calls to me in a way that none of those other careers did. I'm hoping this blog will help me find my audience, I'm giving people a chance to share their own opinions and use their voices. There are multiple areas around my blog with my contact information and my social media pages, so don't be afraid to voice your opinion, no matter how controversial or chaotic you think it is, you'll always find your audience. 

Chaos Unplugged (3).png
Chaos Unplugged. 
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